Hip Hop Diaspora

COURSE TITLE:                     Hip Hop Diaspora
11th and 12th grades
LENGTH/CREDITS:                One semester, 0.5 Credit
PREREQUISITES:                   Availability within the student’s schedule

COURSE DESCRIPTION:         This course will explore hip hop culture across the globe – in the U.S., Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America.  We will take case studies from each continent and closely examine the role of hip hop within each context.  How has hip hop evolved to become not just music, but a lifestyle?  How is authenticity in hip hop culture defined?  How can hip hop be used to make positive change?  To answer these—and other—questions, we will study music, lyrics, dance, film, literature, poetry, and the visual arts.  This class will involve regular writing assignments, group work, and a final multi-media presentation.  Come prepared to be critical and reflective and to step outside your comfort zone (by taking a dance class or visiting an art museum).  It’s time to be transcendent!